A paper Assignment of someone in my life that I feel is phenomenal(Up coming Artist and Producer) ;)
"Prosperous is His Name"
These days it is hard to find a man who is so prosperous and passionate in life. This world which we live in is filled with sin that most of us aren't even strong enough to fight. It is as if we as a people let the weight of the world bring us and keep us down, but for one man that I know, life's battles are his motivation and the foundation of his success. Through all his trials and tribulations that are forever stained in his history, this gentleman, Christopher Alexander O'Neal Barnes Gayle (my boyfriend), is the most prosperous friend, brother, son and soul mate I know. All his life he has done good for people, although never having any time for himself, but through it all he has managed to be prosperous in life, music, and our relationship.
Life is something that we all live and die for; if your life is not in order, then how can he or she know which path to take towards their dreams? A man like Christopher has shown me the importance of having your life together before you can affect the world and accomplish your dreams. It is amazing to see and hear this coming from a man who had parents jumping in and out of his life, leaving him no choice but to face the world alone. He is the type of man that even if it was his last result; he would not depend on another to hold his weight. I can't blame him, especially when the people you put all your fate in (family) seems to not even give you the time or day(they're just to busy for their kids) and because of this at the age of eighteen he had a car, house, job, production company, attended college and had his career goals all figured out. I feel that's amazing, considering most eighteen year old men are behind bars, killed, or just sitting around being of no value to this world let alone their own lives. Christopher's philosophy behind this is, "When you know your s**t and can hold your own no one can stop you or tell you otherwise. Humans have no limitations; it's just some apply themselves more than others and that's what determines one's success." Everything this man as ever owned and has, he has worked for, never choosing the easy way out. His drive is what attracted me the most to him. I feel having an undying passion for what he loves, is what keeps him moving ahead to big and better things in life. When you know who you are and what you want by staying true to self, you will do nothing but prosper and his first love (music) is his inspiration for triumph, thriving to be nothing but the best which will forever lead him to success.
To some music is just a melody, but to Christopher it is his life; a work of art that has so much meaning and history behind it. Music has lost its true value; as Nas would say (a hip hop Artist) "Hip Hop is dead." It is hard to distinguish whether it is talent I hear when I listen to the radio or a bunch of clamor. I use to feel that there was no hope left for the music world within the black community, but then I met Chris all so known as Ackapella (his name as an artist) the preserver of it all. Not only is his music phenomenally breath taking and soul captivating it is the passion that comes from him that makes the beauty of it feel so alive; he is music. I feel passion is what most musicians are missing. When it comes to music Ackapella excels in all categories from being an artist, producer, song writer, and musician. He has paved his own path to success with in the music industry with his determination and will power. I remember when I first met him; he had a studio set up in the corner of his room where he recorded, mixed and mastered tracks then sent them off to different organizations. To this day I know he feels as if I thought his studio was humorous but I was just dumbfounded by the thought of him having a studio in his room (I have never seen that before). In the end, all of his hard work and late nights paid off; now record labels want him as their in house producer, his songs are being played on the radio; he is appearing on MTV shows and performing at numerous events with other artist. He is in high demand with in his community and continues to expand through his networking and self promotion. Ackapella is now in the process of making his first album "Minority Report" produced by his own company "Kant Looze Producktions" He is only nineteen with an intellect of a forty year old. What makes him so different then most musicians in the music industry is that he does not let society, groupies and fame ruin his name and what he stands for. What good is it if you gain the world and loose your soul? He is a go getter, risk taker and a man of his word. Most people sit around and wait for things to come to them, but Ackapella does it all on his own. Why have others do what you can do for your self? He has persistence, confidence, and intelligence, which are the characteristics that a man who is prosperous should have.
Nevertheless, finding someone who completes you, and makes you feel as if they are a splitting image of god's creation for you is a wonderful blessing. It's like I see my whole future and dreams through his eyes. It's as if his seen what I've seen and so much more. Christopher has helped me realize what it means to be in love with someone then to just love them. No relationship is perfect but he has shown me how important a woman and a man can be to each other with fate, understanding and patience. At times when life and people where against our relationship and I was alone Chris would do everything in his power to keep us together, even if it meant putting his dreams on hold. If I was not straight then he wasn't; my life was his life, so at my time of need he put his music career on hold in Atlanta and moved up to Tallahassee Fl for me (us). While everyone was off living their life he put his aside to help me back on my feet. I felt it was God giving me the opportunity to experience what it feels like to have a strong bond between a woman and a man. It was the struggles that I thought would destroy us but it only brought us closer. He is a man with strong fate. Chris told me once, "that if you know instead of hoping, then what you believe and want will be." Chris's fate is one reason why our relationship continues to flourish. No man has ever put me first before his life besides my father and because of that I knew right then Chris is all I ever want and more. Till this day he finds ways to amaze me. I'm never going to forget how determined he was to keep the nourishment of our relationship intact, by letting me use the only car he had so I could get around and visit him in Atlanta. This man hustled night and day to get another car so that we could see one another and accomplish our dreams. I remember driving from dealer to dealer and apply for loan after loan with him. Things didn't work out in our favor but some way some how Christopher found away and succeeded in keeping out relationship strong. It's not that man are all the same, it's that we as woman sometimes fail to see the goodness and agonize about factors in life that should be left in Gods hands, which leads me to believe is it really the men or woman's insecurities?
It is the beauty of life that I live for and that's what I see in Christopher Alexander O'Neal Gayle Barnes. Saying that this man is a male protagonist would be an understatement, he is the manifestation of what a prosperous man should, is and will be. Through his faith, persistence, confidence and magnetism he has proven and won his battles. We should not use or past for the reasons we fail and can't fly free, for this man is living proof that no matter how far beneath the earth you've been obscured and stepped upon, you can uproot your self with hard work and be as fruitful as the next. Prosperous is His Name. He possesses all the riches in the world through his mind, body and soul.
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