"Destroyed by the nourishment of Love"
I have a confession...I'm a officially an addict....to most that's a bad thing; but believe me when I say I'm innocent; I'm a victim of its schemes. I don't know how I became a prisoner of it's substance...I would have never inhaled, injected, or connected with anything that I knew would be harmful to me....there was no warning, no signs or caution to stop me from falling for it's affection... it had me feeling like I was living a dream. Everyone talks about it; as if it's the best thing. They say once you've found and felt it then your life is finally complete...maybe for a moment it may seem cause this addiction went away as soon as it came to me... why live in a fantasy? such naive minds...that's what I turned out to be. I always thought that as bad as I needed this addiction; it would need
me, but soon after it's moments of making me feel free, lifting me high as if I was forever going to be on cloud nine...it disappeared and lovelorn (forsaken) me; Back to reality hitting rock bottom. No longer standing on solid ground... feeling so low; I was a fool to think this would forever be apart of me. I have sight but no vision now; unable to make out what was before me. What is there to see if every thing is tainted so blurry? It should have been a drug...maybe ecstasy; since it swept me off my feet. I couldn't live without it; It took control and became the death of my deprived soul. Leaving me love sick yearning to hear it's seductive, and sensual music. It's hard to let go when it took so much away from me; if i lose it then I've lost apart of me. My every move was made from the way it affected me. It was my world I let it lived within me and became one with thee. Now I'm put in rehab; struggling to survive my addiction for love... I don't want to be its addict. Never will I look at it the same... What once nourished me simply destroyed me; I'm bruised by the though and sound of its name. ..forgiving I will be; all ways remembering the good times the lessons that were conceived, but never forgetting the pain this fatal addiction contains. No longer will it live with in me...outside it where it will remain. A cold heart will only take away my warmth. I don't need anything that breaks the key to my heart. So why should I continue to hold its broken pieces within my hand and say I love it?
“Failure of love and Relationships”
Some think that love is what makes and determines the true essence and depth of ones relationship...But in my eyes love alone can not be trusted....
It is the lack and misunderstanding of friendship, which I feel causes most relationships and marriages to fall. How can you truly love someone if you never took the time to except them as a friend and know their soul and history?
A lot of times the desire and greed for love can blind and destroy its reality... It can make you selfish and Vulnerable to the point where you wish you could control it, but love can't be controlled; for if so it will fall.
Love takes time it is built through the trial of a woman and a man, in hope to reach "I DO"...it is not perfect nor should it be penalized or blamed for the pain which is self created in ones heart. It is ones emotions that destroy a person not the act of a woman or man. Everyone controls their own happiness. So who’s to blame if it's lost? (You)
Love is understanding, patient, forgiving, free, and one of its' own fulfill ness. Which all can be understood through the mastering of friendship; which most of us lack.
One thing that love should not accept is disrespect, but there's a difference between disrespect and disagreeing with ones actions. There will be lies, struggles, and heart breaks. Not to say this is right, but what makes it wrong? Can you find it in the bible? And is there a ring on your hand? Love is a battle testing ones strength.
Sometimes it takes a little dirt for one to know the beauty of love. So once you plant your seed stand by its side while it grows.
Just because one is in a relationship does not mean there is love. So if you can'nt take all that comes with the trial of your relationship; then let it go. Never blame love for pain that you can control.
If a married man or woman can cheat under the vows of GOD, then put nothing pass your own. Remain free, communicate and establish the art of friendship and you'll see love will come easier and relationships will last forever.
Don't let your emotions destroy the process of love and don't try to fall in love with love if you have not fallen in love with its friendship. ;)
Stimulating her mind, caressing her inner psyche, and securing her thoughts; giving her a reason to believe that there is still fate for her love story to succeed...
Convincing herself hat with time it will unfold and blossom into a beautiful black rose...As you spoon feed her words that nurture her conscious; giving her hope and understanding. That one day will be her reality...
Forever embedding what she feels is true love, because in her mind you can't amount to nothing less; and from the floetry ones words it seems one feels the same.
You say," Actions speak louder than words." But words over power ones actions. Having the strength to manipulate the mind and secure ones comfort to continue to confide...blanketing the skull from outside chemicals that may make tainted love.
All you have to say is "I love you more"....having the ability to control every emotion that her heart beats for....If the mind doesn't believe it then the feeling is nonexistent. Leaving the heart empty/numb; Powerless to feel or act upon love that isn't there.
It is hope that keeps most of us alive; and hope is why you’re still alive within her hopeless mind. Having her screaming out for your love...wanting more as each word rolls down your deceitful tough. Back and forth the conversation goes keeping that chemistry of romance aboard. With you on top and her below suppressing her with misleading words....expressions of ecstasy; Giving her no option....but to keep falling and becoming merciful to thee.
You’re all she can hope for again and again...as you kiss her with each motion from your lips; sending sweet messages through her ear and cellular devise. That process within her mind...moving down her spine; releasing an orgasm of clarity through each delicate layer vibrating through her soul...absorbing all the embrace you give to her intellect.
A feeling of lovers’ love that will never fade away if you continue to nourish and make love to her mentally; Giving her visions to one day recreate.
It doesn't matter that you care and always will be there for me; because it's not love we have if you’re mentally making love to another females mind.
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